Parabolic Problems: The Herbert Amann Festschrift: 80 - download pdf or read online

By Joachim Escher,Patrick Guidotti,Matthias Hieber,Piotr Mucha,Jan W. Prüss,Yoshihiro Shibata,Gieri Simonett,Christoph Walker,Wojciech Zajaczkowski

ISBN-10: 3034800746

ISBN-13: 9783034800747

the amount originates from the 'Conference on Nonlinear Parabolic difficulties' held in occasion of Herbert Amann's seventieth birthday on the Banach heart in Bedlewo, Poland. It encompasses a number of peer-reviewed study papers through famous specialists highlighting fresh advances in fields of Herbert Amann's curiosity equivalent to nonlinear evolution equations, fluid dynamics, quasi-linear parabolic equations and platforms, sensible research, and more.

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Parabolic Problems: The Herbert Amann Festschrift: 80 (Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications) by Joachim Escher,Patrick Guidotti,Matthias Hieber,Piotr Mucha,Jan W. Prüss,Yoshihiro Shibata,Gieri Simonett,Christoph Walker,Wojciech Zajaczkowski

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